Orphan Sponsorship

Nothing can measure up to the unconditional love and support a parent provides for their child, and nothing can compensate for the trauma a child experiences when losing a parent.

Orphans, facing not only the loss of their parents, but living in tumultuous environments with chronic exposure to famine, violence, and a lack of support and education, are particularly vulnerable and at increased risk of poorer outcomes later in life.

Providing the resources and social support needed by these children is vital in breaking this downward spiral of poverty, and providing them the opportunity to engage with what life has to offer.

By sponsoring an Orphan, donors are making a significant contribution to a child’s life, and enabling them to regain their wellbeing and health, and most importantly, hope for their future.

Voice of a Believer’s Orphan Program will connect donors with orphans to help provide financial support to allow for the provision of such resources as food, shelter, fresh water, education, and a safe environment to grow and learn.

The welfare and well-being of every child is always at the core of everything we do. However, for the safety and protection of the child, we do not share any photos.

From: $49.00